JDE Package Management Made Easy!
This article is for CNC
Administrators and JDE Developers who have good understanding of Package
Management and JDE Tools Set.
Have you ever had to do an UPDATE PACKAGE BUILD where there
are tens of different projects with dozens of versions of UBEs? If yes, then I
can understand the pain that it causes you to try to pull all the objects that
are necessary for that build. You might have thought why Oracle hasn't put in a
little extra effort to make this step a little easier for users where users
could pull objects by status of project instead of by project name.
Well, the wait is over. After making a small modification to
you package management application, you can pull all your objects with one
click of a button. It not only will save you a lot of time as a CNC
administrator, but also will eliminate human error in missing some objects that
would otherwise be necessary to be part of an update package build.
Changes that you need to make to Component Selection
(P9601/W9601D) Screen are as follows:
1. New
fields added to Component Selection Screen
a. Project
Status EDIT FIELD (for example DV = 25, PY = 35, QA = 55, PD = 65 etc)
b. Project
If you wish to set it by default, then put
following code in Post Dialogue Initialized Event of the form W9601D:
FC JDE Versions = "3"
This option (if selected) will pull all versions
of a UBE in a given project in a given status.
c. Get
Click this button to pull all projects with all
objects in a given status.
2. Click
[Get Objects] Push Button to pull all objects that are at the status you define
at Project Status field.
3. Select
all these line and then click SELECT button to select these objects in your
package build.
4. Click
Close button. You will notice that all UBE versions that are in the Project status
you selected have been automatically selected for you.
5. Proceed
with remaining steps of Update Package Build
The actual code behind the “Get Objects” Push Button and the
“OK” Button is as follows:
Code behind “Get Objects” Button:
Button Clicked Event:[1]
P9601 - Package Assembly
Form: W9601D - Object Component Selection
Form: W9601D - Object Component Selection
Get objects -
Event: Button Clicked
Event GUID: ad8fd4ed-850c-406d-a1fe-75cf30412073
Event: Button Clicked
Event GUID: ad8fd4ed-850c-406d-a1fe-75cf30412073
VA frm_PLXS_GetObjectButtonClick = "Y"
FC Modification Comment = "1"
Press Button(HC F&ind)
If FC Project Status is greater than <Blank>
F98220.Select [Index: Status, Type, Severity]
FC Project Status = TK Object Management Project Status
F98220.FetchNext [Index: Status, Type, Severity]
frm_PLXS_OMWPrjName_OMWPRJID [OMWPRJID] <- TK Object Management Project Name
While SV File_IO_Status is equal to CO SUCCESS
// Find all objects in this project
F98222.Select [Index: Project, Object, Rel, ObjType]
frm_PLXS_OMWPrjName_OMWPRJID [OMWPRJID] = TK Object Management Project Name
F98222.FetchNext [Index: Project, Object, Rel, ObjType]
frm_PLXS_NameObject_OBNM [OBNM] <- TK Object Management Object Name
frm_PLXS_OMWObjectType_OMWOT [OMWOT] <- TK Object Management Object Type
While SV File_IO_Status is equal to CO SUCCESS
GB OMW ProjectName = " "
GB ObjectName = " "
GB Description = " "
GB Description = " "
GB Description = " "
GB Selected = " "
GB ObjectType = " "
GB SystemCode = " "
GB ReportingSystem = " "
// Check Object Type
If frm_PLXS_OMWObjectType_OMWOT [OMWOT] is equal to ('APPL','BL','BSFN','BSVW','DSTR','GT','TBLE','UBE','UBEVER')
If frm_PLXS_OMWObjectType_OMWOT [OMWOT] is equal to 'UBEVER'
frm_PLXS_NameObject_OBNM [OBNM] -> szString [BDS4]
'|' -> cCharToFind [EV01]
<Zero> -> mnStartingPosition [MATH80]
frm_PLXS_PipePosition_LNID [LNID] <- mnPositionFound [MATH80]
VA frm_PLXS_NameObject_OBNM = substr([VA frm_PLXS_NameObject_OBNM],0, [VA frm_PLXS_PipePosition_LNID])
End If
// Always add the object if no a UBE VER.
// If UBE VER only, add the corresponding
// UBE name if it hasn't been added yet
If frm_PLXS_OMWObjectType_OMWOT [OMWOT] is equal to 'UBEVER'
And frm_PLXS_NameObject_OBNM [OBNM] is not equal to frm_LastUBEAdded_OBNM [OBNM]
Or frm_PLXS_OMWObjectType_OMWOT [OMWOT] is not equal to 'UBEVER'
GB ObjectName = VA frm_PLXS_NameObject_OBNM
GB OMW ProjectName = VA frm_PLXS_OMWPrjName_OMWPRJID
// Get data for other columns
F9860.FetchSingle [Index: Object Name]
frm_PLXS_NameObject_OBNM [OBNM] = TK Object Name
GB Description <- TK Description
GB System Code <- TK Product Code
GB Reporting System <- TK Product Code/Reporting
GB Object Type <- TK Object Type
VA frm_PLXS_PkgItemType_PKGITMTY = "O"
F9631.FetchSingle [Index: Pckage Name, Path Code A+]
frm_PLXS_PkgItemType_PKGITMTY [PKGITMTY] = TK Type - Package Item Type
frm_PLXS_NameObject_OBNM [OBNM] = TK Object Name
FC Package Name = TK Pakcage Name
FC Path Code = TK Code - Path
If SV File_IO_Status is equal to CO SUCCESS
GB Selected = "1"
GB Selected = "0"
End If
Insert Grid Buffer Row(FC Grid, <After Last Row>, <Yes>, <Yes>, <No>, <Yes>, <No>)
// If this object has been added to the package already, then display the Check
// Mark
If GB Selected is equal to '1'
Get Max Grid Rows(FC Grid, VA frm_PLXS_MaxGridRows_MATH01)
Set Grid Row Bitmap(FC Grid, VA frm_PLXS_MaxGridRows_MATH01, <Check Mark>)
End If
End If
// It's not an object that is placed in a package, ignore it
End If
If frm_PLXS_OMWObjectType_OMWOT [OMWOT] is equal to ('UBE','UBEVER')
VA frm_LastUBEAdded_OBNM = VA frm_PLXS_NameObject_OBNM
End If
F98222.FetchNext [Index: Project, Object, Rel, ObjType]
frm_PLXS_NameObject_OBNM [OBNM] <- TK Object Management Object Name
frm_PLXS_OMWObjectType_OMWOT [OMWOT] <- TK Object Management Object Type
End While
F98220.FetchNext [Index: Status, Type, Severity]
frm_PLXS_OMWPrjName_OMWPRJID [OMWPRJID] <- TK Object Management Project Name
End While
End If
Post Button Clicked Event:
P9601 - Package Assembly
Form: W9601D - Object Component Selection
Form: W9601D - Object Component Selection
Get objects -
Event: Post Button Clicked
Event GUID: 345b267d-2947-4a87-962d-698bf39e43ee
Event: Post Button Clicked
Event GUID: 345b267d-2947-4a87-962d-698bf39e43ee
VA frm_PLXS_GetObjectButtonClick = "N"
Code behind OK Button:
Button Clicked Event:
APPL: P9601 - Package Assembly
Form: W9601D - Object Component Selection
Form: W9601D - Object Component Selection
HC OK/Select -
Event: Button Clicked
Repeat For Grid
Event GUID: 5b832698-ec22-11d1-9094-0000f67c789e
Event: Button Clicked
Repeat For Grid
Event GUID: 5b832698-ec22-11d1-9094-0000f67c789e
VA frm_ItemType = "O"
// Check to see if this item exists for the package yet. If not add it.
If GC Selected is equal to '1'
F9631.Delete [Index: Pckage Name, Path Code A+]
frm_ItemType [PKGITMTY] = TK Type - Package Item Type
GC Object Name = TK Object Name
FI szPackageName = TK Pakcage Name
FI szCodePath = TK Code - Path
Set Grid Row Bitmap(FC Grid, <Currently Selected Row>, <Blank/Clear>)
GC Selected = "0"
F9631.FetchSingle [Index: Pckage Name, Path Code A+]
frm_ItemType [PKGITMTY] = TK Type - Package Item Type
GC Object Name = TK Object Name
FI szPackageName = TK Pakcage Name
FI szCodePath = TK Code - Path
If SV File_IO_Status is not equal to CO SUCCESS
frm_UserID [USER] <- szUserName [USER]
frm_DateUpdated [UPMJ] <- jdDate [DTE]
frm_TimeUpdated [TDAY] <- mnTime [TME0]
frm_JOBN [JOBN] <- szWorkstation_UserId [JOBN]
VA frm_Program = "P9601"
F9631.Insert [Index: Pckage Name, Path Code A+]
frm_ItemType [PKGITMTY] -> TK Type - Package Item Type
GC Object Name -> TK Object Name
FI szPackageName -> TK Pakcage Name
FI szCodePath -> TK Code - Path
frm_Program [PID] -> TK Program ID
frm_JOBN [JOBN] -> TK Work Station ID
frm_DateUpdated [UPMJ] -> TK Date - Updated
frm_TimeUpdated [TDAY] -> TK Time - Last Updated
frm_UserID [USER] -> TK User ID
End If
Set Grid Row Bitmap(FC Grid, <Currently Selected Row>, <Check Mark>)
GC Selected = "1"
If GC Object Type is equal to 'UBE'
And FC Select Versions is equal to <Blank>
Call App:P9601 Form:W9601T Version:<Blank>[]
GC Object Name -> szNameObject [OBNM]
FI szPackageName -> szPackageName [PKGNAME]
FI szCodePath -> szCodePath [PATHCD]
If GC Object Type is equal to 'UBE'
VA frm_NoMoreRecords = " "
If FC All Versions is equal to ('1','2')
VA frm_VersionsListCategoryCode2 = "1"
F983051.Select [Index: primary]
GC Object Name = TK Program ID
frm_VersionsListCategoryCode2 [VCC2] <> TK Category Code - OW Version List 2
While frm_NoMoreRecords [EV01] is equal to <Blank>
F983051.FetchNext [Index: primary]
frm_Version [VERS] <- TK Version History
If SV File_IO_Status is equal to CO SUCCESS
If FC JDE Versions is equal to '1'
VA frm_FourBig = substr([VA frm_Version],0,4 )
End If
If FC All Versions is equal to ('1')
And frm_FourBig [VERS] is equal to ('XJDE','ZJDE')
Or FC All Versions is equal to '2'
frm_UserID [USER] <- szUserName [USER]
frm_DateUpdated [UPMJ] <- jdDate [DTE]
frm_TimeUpdated [TDAY] <- mnTime [TME0]
frm_JOBN [JOBN] <- szWorkstation_UserId [JOBN]
VA frm_Program = "P9601"
F9631.Insert [Index: Pckage Name, Path Code A+]
frm_ItemType [PKGITMTY] -> TK Type - Package Item Type
GC Object Name -> TK Object Name
FI szPackageName -> TK Pakcage Name
FI szCodePath -> TK Code - Path
frm_Version [VERS] -> TK Version History
frm_Program [PID] -> TK Program ID
frm_JOBN [JOBN] -> TK Work Station ID
frm_DateUpdated [UPMJ] -> TK Date - Updated
frm_TimeUpdated [TDAY] -> TK Time - Last Updated
frm_UserID [USER] -> TK User ID
End If
VA frm_NoMoreRecords = "1"
End If
End While
// ****************************************************************
// Begin Additional Custom Logic to pull versions of UBE by Status
// ****************************************************************
If FC All Versions is equal to '3'
VA frm_VersionsListCategoryCode2 = "1"
F983051.Select [Index: primary]
GC Object Name = TK Program ID
frm_VersionsListCategoryCode2 [VCC2] <> TK Category Code - OW Version List 2
While frm_NoMoreRecords [EV01] is equal to <Blank>
F983051.FetchNext [Index: primary]
frm_Version [VERS] <- TK Version History
If SV File_IO_Status is equal to CO SUCCESS
VA frm_PLX_OMWObjectName_OMWOBJID = concat(concat([GC ObjectName],"|"),[VA frm_Version])
F98222.Select [Index: Project, Object, Rel, ObjType]
GC OMW Project Name = TK Object Management Project Name
frm_PLX_OMWObjectName_OMWOBJID [OMWOBJID] = TK Object Management Object Name
frm_PLXS_OMWObjectType_OMWOT [OMWOT] = TK Object Management Object Type
F98222.FetchNext [Index: Project, Object, Rel, ObjType]
frm_PLXS_FetchTest_USER [USER] <- TK Object Management Project Name
frm_PLXS_FetchTest_USER [USER] <- TK User ID
If SV File_IO_Status is equal to CO SUCCESS
frm_UserID [USER] <- szUserName [USER]
frm_DateUpdated [UPMJ] <- jdDate [DTE]
frm_TimeUpdated [TDAY] <- mnTime [TME0]
frm_JOBN [JOBN] <- szWorkstation_UserId [JOBN]
VA frm_Program = "P9601"
F9631.Insert [Index: Pckage Name, Path Code A+]
frm_ItemType [PKGITMTY] -> TK Type - Package Item Type
GC Object Name -> TK Object Name
FI szPackageName -> TK Pakcage Name
FI szCodePath -> TK Code - Path
frm_Version [VERS] -> TK Version History
frm_Program [PID] -> TK Program ID
frm_JOBN [JOBN] -> TK Work Station ID
frm_DateUpdated [UPMJ] -> TK Date - Updated
frm_TimeUpdated [TDAY] -> TK Time - Last Updated
frm_UserID [USER] -> TK User ID
End If
VA frm_NoMoreRecords = "1"
End If
End While
End If
// ****************************************************************
// End Additional Custom Logic to pull versions of UBE by status
// ****************************************************************
End If
End If
End If
If GC Object Type is equal to 'APPL'
And FC Select Versions is equal to <Blank>
F983051.FetchSingle [Index: primary]
GC Object Name = TK Program ID
If SV File_IO_Status is equal to CO SUCCESS
Call App:P9601 Form:W9601T Version:<Blank>[]
GC Object Name -> szNameObject [OBNM]
FI szPackageName -> szPackageName [PKGNAME]
FI szCodePath -> szCodePath [PATHCD]
End If
If GC Object Type is equal to 'APPL'
VA frm_NoMoreRecords = " "
If FC All Versions is equal to ('1','2')
F983051.Select [Index: primary]
GC Object Name = TK Program ID
While frm_NoMoreRecords [EV01] is equal to <Blank>
F983051.FetchNext [Index: primary]
frm_Version [VERS] <- TK Version History
If SV File_IO_Status is equal to CO SUCCESS
If FC JDE Versions is equal to ('1','2')
VA frm_FourBig = substr([VA frm_Version],0,4 )
End If
If FC All Versions is equal to ('1','2')
And frm_FourBig [VERS] is equal to ('XJDE','ZJDE')
Or FC All Versions is equal to '2'
frm_UserID [USER] <- szUserName [USER]
frm_DateUpdated [UPMJ] <- jdDate [DTE]
frm_TimeUpdated [TDAY] <- mnTime [TME0]
frm_JOBN [JOBN] <- szWorkstation_UserId [JOBN]
VA frm_Program = "P9601"
F9631.Insert [Index: Pckage Name, Path Code A+]
frm_ItemType [PKGITMTY] -> TK Type - Package Item Type
GC Object Name -> TK Object Name
FI szPackageName -> TK Pakcage Name
FI szCodePath -> TK Code - Path
frm_Version [VERS] -> TK Version History
frm_Program [PID] -> TK Program ID
frm_JOBN [JOBN] -> TK Work Station ID
frm_DateUpdated [UPMJ] -> TK Date - Updated
frm_TimeUpdated [TDAY] -> TK Time - Last Updated
frm_UserID [USER] -> TK User ID
End If
VA frm_NoMoreRecords = "1"
End If
End While
End If
End If
End If
End If
VA frm_ItemType = "O"
// Check to see if this item exists for the package yet. If not add it.
If GC Selected is equal to '1'
F9631.Delete [Index: Pckage Name, Path Code A+]
frm_ItemType [PKGITMTY] = TK Type - Package Item Type
GC Object Name = TK Object Name
FI szPackageName = TK Pakcage Name
FI szCodePath = TK Code - Path
Set Grid Row Bitmap(FC Grid, <Currently Selected Row>, <Blank/Clear>)
GC Selected = "0"
F9631.FetchSingle [Index: Pckage Name, Path Code A+]
frm_ItemType [PKGITMTY] = TK Type - Package Item Type
GC Object Name = TK Object Name
FI szPackageName = TK Pakcage Name
FI szCodePath = TK Code - Path
If SV File_IO_Status is not equal to CO SUCCESS
frm_UserID [USER] <- szUserName [USER]
frm_DateUpdated [UPMJ] <- jdDate [DTE]
frm_TimeUpdated [TDAY] <- mnTime [TME0]
frm_JOBN [JOBN] <- szWorkstation_UserId [JOBN]
VA frm_Program = "P9601"
F9631.Insert [Index: Pckage Name, Path Code A+]
frm_ItemType [PKGITMTY] -> TK Type - Package Item Type
GC Object Name -> TK Object Name
FI szPackageName -> TK Pakcage Name
FI szCodePath -> TK Code - Path
frm_Program [PID] -> TK Program ID
frm_JOBN [JOBN] -> TK Work Station ID
frm_DateUpdated [UPMJ] -> TK Date - Updated
frm_TimeUpdated [TDAY] -> TK Time - Last Updated
frm_UserID [USER] -> TK User ID
End If
Set Grid Row Bitmap(FC Grid, <Currently Selected Row>, <Check Mark>)
GC Selected = "1"
If GC Object Type is equal to 'UBE'
And FC Select Versions is equal to <Blank>
Call App:P9601 Form:W9601T Version:<Blank>[]
GC Object Name -> szNameObject [OBNM]
FI szPackageName -> szPackageName [PKGNAME]
FI szCodePath -> szCodePath [PATHCD]
If GC Object Type is equal to 'UBE'
VA frm_NoMoreRecords = " "
If FC All Versions is equal to ('1','2')
VA frm_VersionsListCategoryCode2 = "1"
F983051.Select [Index: primary]
GC Object Name = TK Program ID
frm_VersionsListCategoryCode2 [VCC2] <> TK Category Code - OW Version List 2
While frm_NoMoreRecords [EV01] is equal to <Blank>
F983051.FetchNext [Index: primary]
frm_Version [VERS] <- TK Version History
If SV File_IO_Status is equal to CO SUCCESS
If FC JDE Versions is equal to '1'
VA frm_FourBig = substr([VA frm_Version],0,4 )
End If
If FC All Versions is equal to ('1')
And frm_FourBig [VERS] is equal to ('XJDE','ZJDE')
Or FC All Versions is equal to '2'
frm_UserID [USER] <- szUserName [USER]
frm_DateUpdated [UPMJ] <- jdDate [DTE]
frm_TimeUpdated [TDAY] <- mnTime [TME0]
frm_JOBN [JOBN] <- szWorkstation_UserId [JOBN]
VA frm_Program = "P9601"
F9631.Insert [Index: Pckage Name, Path Code A+]
frm_ItemType [PKGITMTY] -> TK Type - Package Item Type
GC Object Name -> TK Object Name
FI szPackageName -> TK Pakcage Name
FI szCodePath -> TK Code - Path
frm_Version [VERS] -> TK Version History
frm_Program [PID] -> TK Program ID
frm_JOBN [JOBN] -> TK Work Station ID
frm_DateUpdated [UPMJ] -> TK Date - Updated
frm_TimeUpdated [TDAY] -> TK Time - Last Updated
frm_UserID [USER] -> TK User ID
End If
VA frm_NoMoreRecords = "1"
End If
End While
// ****************************************************************
// Begin Additional Custom Logic to pull versions of UBE by Status
// ****************************************************************
If FC All Versions is equal to '3'
VA frm_VersionsListCategoryCode2 = "1"
F983051.Select [Index: primary]
GC Object Name = TK Program ID
frm_VersionsListCategoryCode2 [VCC2] <> TK Category Code - OW Version List 2
While frm_NoMoreRecords [EV01] is equal to <Blank>
F983051.FetchNext [Index: primary]
frm_Version [VERS] <- TK Version History
If SV File_IO_Status is equal to CO SUCCESS
VA frm_PLX_OMWObjectName_OMWOBJID = concat(concat([GC ObjectName],"|"),[VA frm_Version])
F98222.Select [Index: Project, Object, Rel, ObjType]
GC OMW Project Name = TK Object Management Project Name
frm_PLX_OMWObjectName_OMWOBJID [OMWOBJID] = TK Object Management Object Name
frm_PLXS_OMWObjectType_OMWOT [OMWOT] = TK Object Management Object Type
F98222.FetchNext [Index: Project, Object, Rel, ObjType]
frm_PLXS_FetchTest_USER [USER] <- TK Object Management Project Name
frm_PLXS_FetchTest_USER [USER] <- TK User ID
If SV File_IO_Status is equal to CO SUCCESS
frm_UserID [USER] <- szUserName [USER]
frm_DateUpdated [UPMJ] <- jdDate [DTE]
frm_TimeUpdated [TDAY] <- mnTime [TME0]
frm_JOBN [JOBN] <- szWorkstation_UserId [JOBN]
VA frm_Program = "P9601"
F9631.Insert [Index: Pckage Name, Path Code A+]
frm_ItemType [PKGITMTY] -> TK Type - Package Item Type
GC Object Name -> TK Object Name
FI szPackageName -> TK Pakcage Name
FI szCodePath -> TK Code - Path
frm_Version [VERS] -> TK Version History
frm_Program [PID] -> TK Program ID
frm_JOBN [JOBN] -> TK Work Station ID
frm_DateUpdated [UPMJ] -> TK Date - Updated
frm_TimeUpdated [TDAY] -> TK Time - Last Updated
frm_UserID [USER] -> TK User ID
End If
VA frm_NoMoreRecords = "1"
End If
End While
End If
// ****************************************************************
// End Additional Custom Logic to pull versions of UBE by status
// ****************************************************************
End If
End If
End If
If GC Object Type is equal to 'APPL'
And FC Select Versions is equal to <Blank>
F983051.FetchSingle [Index: primary]
GC Object Name = TK Program ID
If SV File_IO_Status is equal to CO SUCCESS
Call App:P9601 Form:W9601T Version:<Blank>[]
GC Object Name -> szNameObject [OBNM]
FI szPackageName -> szPackageName [PKGNAME]
FI szCodePath -> szCodePath [PATHCD]
End If
If GC Object Type is equal to 'APPL'
VA frm_NoMoreRecords = " "
If FC All Versions is equal to ('1','2')
F983051.Select [Index: primary]
GC Object Name = TK Program ID
While frm_NoMoreRecords [EV01] is equal to <Blank>
F983051.FetchNext [Index: primary]
frm_Version [VERS] <- TK Version History
If SV File_IO_Status is equal to CO SUCCESS
If FC JDE Versions is equal to ('1','2')
VA frm_FourBig = substr([VA frm_Version],0,4 )
End If
If FC All Versions is equal to ('1','2')
And frm_FourBig [VERS] is equal to ('XJDE','ZJDE')
Or FC All Versions is equal to '2'
frm_UserID [USER] <- szUserName [USER]
frm_DateUpdated [UPMJ] <- jdDate [DTE]
frm_TimeUpdated [TDAY] <- mnTime [TME0]
frm_JOBN [JOBN] <- szWorkstation_UserId [JOBN]
VA frm_Program = "P9601"
F9631.Insert [Index: Pckage Name, Path Code A+]
frm_ItemType [PKGITMTY] -> TK Type - Package Item Type
GC Object Name -> TK Object Name
FI szPackageName -> TK Pakcage Name
FI szCodePath -> TK Code - Path
frm_Version [VERS] -> TK Version History
frm_Program [PID] -> TK Program ID
frm_JOBN [JOBN] -> TK Work Station ID
frm_DateUpdated [UPMJ] -> TK Date - Updated
frm_TimeUpdated [TDAY] -> TK Time - Last Updated
frm_UserID [USER] -> TK User ID
End If
VA frm_NoMoreRecords = "1"
End If
End While
End If
End If
End If
End If
Hello zaki. Do you a have a retrofit step by step guide with visual ER.that would be of great help!!